Bot compiler CLI

This is a npm module which can be installed using this command

npm i -g botc


botc init -n name

Creates a folder called name and a file `bot.json` in it. The JSON representation of your bot should be added here. It should follow Bot compiler schema. If you are coding in VSCode, we have built an extension to have inetellisense for the .botc.json file. Download it here.

botc build -d[OPTIONAL]

Execute this command in the folder where bot.json in present. It validates the schema and scaffolds code in the directory if the JSON in valid. The flag -d is optional and by default it is false. If this is specified, botc tries to create intents and entities in the dialoglfow agent who's developer access token is specified in the bot.json file. We recommend you to create the intents and entities directly in dialogflow and just use the intent names in bot.json file, dialogflow has good GUI to tag entities and create intents and edit them.

botc rebuild

Execute this if there are any changes in the bot.json file after initial botc build, this re-validates the JSON and then applies the changes while preserving your code in the *Impl.js files.

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    No results matching ""