Chat bot to create Gmail Filters.

Complex chatbots can like this can be developed using Bot compiler with writing code only to access APIs or other services which is done at the end of a conversation.

This chatbot uses google apis to access a user's filters and labels. Authorization is done through google oAuth, Demo of this bot can be found here.

3 Microbots are involved in this, can be found here bot.json.

Only code we had to write are in these files




Oauth route was added in msft.js file.

This is a good example of a useful bot that can be created using Bot compiler.

list microbot is being reused by remove microbot as shown here.

Example conversation

In the conversation below, User says to create a rule and then decides to look at the filters existing already in the mail settings and then decides to say "yes". This kind of multi initiative and non linear dialog system is supported out of the box in Bot compiler. The filter listing microbot and filter creation microbot are different, when the user said 'my rules', listing microbot took over the conversation and displayed the rules, after this when the user said yes, list was not expecting yes. Bot compiler scaffolded code then searched the dialog tree in current path and brought filter creation microbot to foreground, since it was expecting yes.  

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